Home > Update on DH's eye infection

Update on DH's eye infection

January 24th, 2008 at 03:19 am

We spent all that money for the drops for his eye and it just kept getting worse. He saw the eye Dr. again and he gave him some other drops and some salve, free. Within a few hours of stopping the expensive stuff his eye started improving and the Dr. thinks he had a bad reaction to those pricey drops! Grrrr

Oh well, at least the infection is spite of the costly drops he can't use!

2 Responses to “Update on DH's eye infection”

  1. Ralph Says:

    It's really tough being a health care consumer. Very often I never fill prescriptions I am given since I am a minimalist, but of course this isn't a good practice, so I usually try to get an opinion from the doctor on whether it is optional, and usually they will tell me it is. But in this case that wouldn't have been advisable, so it was just bad luck, I think. Glad he's getting better though!

  2. denisentexas Says:

    It is, indeed! We're minimalists too and if we get sick, we generally go to the grocery store not the Drs office. DH asks people, "How often do people die in grocery stores?" lol

    But this infection is recurring and it's becoming an issue. It interferes with DH's ability to see detail which is necessary for his work. Hopefully this last round will be the last one. Today it's much better and hopefully almost gone!

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