Home > Is Financial Peace University worth the price?

Is Financial Peace University worth the price?

January 25th, 2008 at 06:36 pm

I'd like to know the answer to that from any of you who have taken it. I've run across several people lately who have attended and each has said it's worth the fee, which runs about $100 in this area.

There's a class starting at a local church on Monday night and DH agrees with me that it might be a good thing to do. I contacted the coordinator and they have room for another couple.

So, for those who have attended this 13 week Dave Ramsey course, is it worth the price?

8 Responses to “Is Financial Peace University worth the price?”

  1. mom-from-missouri Says:

    We went and loved it.
    A lot of it was review for us (we listen to him on the radio), and we also learned a lot of new things.

    The fee you pay mostly pays for your materials--which you get to keep. You can review, and go back as many times a you want. You also get access to the website.

    We did it at church, and our kids sat in on part of it, and they learned some things too.

  2. denisentexas Says:

    We listen to his archived shows and have read Total Money Makeover so some will be review for us, too. You said you also get access to the site - is there good stuff there?

  3. Elly Says:

    I went and think it is definitely worth it. You will learn a lot and get a lot of materials. Also, the class discussions are interesting and motivating. I say go for it.

  4. Aleta Says:

    I would think that everyone is in a similiar situation and therefore would lend alot of support. I can see it as everyone encouraging each other and also there are also alot of tips you can learn from.

  5. rduell Says:

    I would love to attend a Financial Peace seminar! I like Dave because he's more aggressive on debt than a lot of other advisors and he gives you specific steps on how to get out of debt.

  6. Amber Says:

    I like D. Ramsey but for me, it is too many things out there about finances that are free. Don't get me wrong I like him a lot and from what I hear it is worth it

  7. denisentexas Says:

    Thanks for the input, y'all! We've decided to do it. Now I just have to manage to get Monday nights off for 13 weeks! Argh! The class is a tad pricey but with all the money we've spent on crap, we think it can't be bad to spend $100 on something good finally. I can't wait!

  8. Aleta Says:

    Is it $100 per person or for couple? If you think about it, $100. divided by 13 weeks is about $7.69 a week for good knowledge. Maybe you could find a way of saving 7.69 every week, whether it would be by coupons, savings on items bought, surveys or found money.

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