January 19th, 2008 at 06:46 am
It's actually after midnight but I figure "Midnight musings" sounds better than "12:34 AM thoughts"...
Anyway, I'm listening to archived Dave Ramsey shows, reading news stories about the President's proposed stimulus package, and eating a bean burrito. I need to get to bed soon but can't sleep. Fortunately I don't have to be at work until 4 PM so I should be able to sneak in a nap or two.
After hearing the commercials on Dave's show, I checked out
Text is e-Mealz and Link is http://www.e-mealz.com/index.shtml
e-Mealz. It seems like a pretty good deal at $1.25 a week so I looked at some of the sample menus. I was particularly interested in the low carb menus but was disappointed that they featured quite a few items we don't eat and they don't seem to have a menu plan for kosher diets. We don't eat rabinically kosher but it's very close to our diet. Not that I am seriously considering signing up for e-Mealz but I know a few people who might really benefit from it. I already do what e-Mealz says they do but I don't spend hours on it like the commercial mentions. It takes me 10 to 20 minutes to create a frugal but healthy menu plan for two weeks and I think we do pretty well feeding two adults for $30 to $45 a week with some weeks coming in well under the $30.
Speaking of frugal food, it's the time of year when we normally begin garden planning but we haven't considered it yet because we don't know where we'll be when it's time to plant. We might be in an apartment and only have a few pots in which to plant but it's possible we'll find an affordable lot somewhere and be able to put in a full sized garden. I'm praying for the latter.
Tomorrow before I go to work I'm cooking a whole chicken. It will feed us dinner tomorrow night and several meals through the week, including my lunches at work. Yaaay for stretching chickens! We'll also eat some meatless meals which means more money will be added to the challenge!
Okay, I'm off to bed now. I'm finally tired and it's about 1 AM.
Posted in
Grocery Spending,
$20 Challenge,
Cooking and Recipes,
Just Life,
Garden Stuff,
Menu Planning
April 28th, 2007 at 11:00 pm
I took these pictures just a few days ago. Wow, everything is growing so well! We only lost 5 plants, all cucumbers, in the recent late frosts. Other than those, everything is doing just beautifully. 

All four planting beds/tables

Tiny Sweet 100 tomatoes, just forming on the vine

Beets, beets, and more beets! I love 'em

Broccoli and beets

Bob helping with the potatoes planted in tires

More tomatoes

Squash plants which now have huge blossoms and squash just starting to turn yellow

And more tomatoes! After all, isn't the growing of tomatoes what a garden is really all about? 
Oh yeah, to keep this sort of on a money track, I went to Ace Hardware today and bought a few couplings for an install DH and DSS are doing today. I spent $5.30.
Posted in
Daily Spending,
Garden Stuff
April 23rd, 2007 at 03:20 pm
It was so hot, still, and humid last night that we turned on the central air conditioner. We'd hoped to wait til May but it was ridiculously miserable so we caved in. However, I did turn it off when I went to bed so it didn't run all night. Self-kudos for not being lazy and letting it run the electric bill up too much.
I watered the container planted vegetables and herbs by the house this morning but I need to water the planting tables and get some leaves that I raked into piles into the wheelbarrow and take them to the leaf pyramid (called that because it's so large) out near the garden. Rain is forecasted, though, so I'm holding off in the hopes that nature will do the watering for me. I also plan to transplant more irises.
DH and DS14 are gone on jobs and they'll be gone most of the day, I think, so I'll vacuum, dust, and work on painting more of the bathroom door and frame around it.
Dinner tonight is plannedovers from last night's beef roast and gravy. There wasn't much left but I'm going to cut the beef into small pieces, make more gravy, season it all well and let it simmer awhile and serve it over wild rice with a salad and some Normandy Style vegetables.
Today should be a no spend day for me though DH will spend something while he's out, I'm sure.
While watering this morning, I thought of what DH says about gardens - their entire purpose is to make his tomato plants look good. 
Anyway, here are some pics of our container vegetables, taken just a few minutes ago.

The cauliflower is doing very well in the containers we got for .50 each

And the green pepper and carrots are doing very well, too. I think they will need to be moved to a sunnier spot but so far, so good

More green pepper and some zucchini

An upside down tomato, happily hanging off the front porch

More tomatoes, one planted in an old Macintosh computer case

Yet another tomato plant, this one about to produce fruit

And last but not least, squash plants in buckets
Some of the tomato plants have fruit on them and we should have ripe tomatoes very soon!
Posted in
Just Life,
No Spend Days,
Garden Stuff