Home > We have snow!

We have snow!

January 18th, 2008 at 06:22 pm

So it isn't much at all - just some flurries coming down. It won't stick but it's nice to see, even if for just a couple of hours.

And to make this finance related, I'm off to pick up my paycheck, set up my Direct Deposit and do laundry. Wink

4 Responses to “We have snow!”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    I didn't know it snows in Texas.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    So funny--I've seen snow entries from SC, GA and now TX! I'm in Minnesota and we haven't had any snowfall for weeks (though now we've got -40 windchills, so it definitely FEELs like winter)!

  3. denisentexas Says:

    BA, it does now and then! The panhandle gets a lot more than we do but every few years we'll see a little. It doesn't generally stay long but now and then we have some on the ground for a few days.

    No snow for weeks, Ceejay? Wow! Y'all should be covered by now, huh?

    And now it's sleeting well!

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    I know, it keeps threatening, but nothing doing! We do have big piles of dirty ugly snow from awhile ago lining the sides of the roads. It's not very picturesque, so I'd love at least a sprinkle of new snow to cover it up. :-)

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