Home > More money for the challenge

More money for the challenge

January 22nd, 2008 at 01:47 am

Thanks to some meatless meals, found change, and not buying snacks while out and about I've added $5.85 to my challenge money, making my new total $74.95. I do believe I'll make it to $100 this month. If I can do that every month, how great is that?

3 Responses to “More money for the challenge”

  1. thriftorama Says:

    Frankly, I am always impressed by your discipline on these expenses. You always do such a good job on the challenge too. Kudos to you. Maybe if I keep reading your blog it will rub off on me too.

  2. denisentexas Says:

    Oh, thank you but I'm not nearly as disciplined as I need to be. I'm improving, though. Smile It's quite a battle at times but I'm persevering and trying to prove to myself that even 'lower income' folks can save and be okay. Time will tell if I succeed! Smile

  3. denisentexas Says:

    You're always welcome!

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