Home > Happenings lately!

Happenings lately!

February 13th, 2008 at 02:24 pm

Well, let's see. What's been going on in my life the last few days...

It's been 1 week, 6 days, 1 hour, 41 seconds since we smoked and we've saved $164.74. Yippeee!

We had our third FPU session and it was a good one. We went over the quickie budget, cash flow sheet, and the other forms Dave recommends. Since we have most of them completed already that class was more of a review than anything but it was great nonetheless. Even the things that are review for us help keep us motivated and the discussions that ensue between DH and I bring us closer and remind us that we're working together for a common goal. That's always a nice thing.

Oh, and I'm now a certified barista where I work. I needed a few days of actually making the drinks to get it all very firmly planted in my mind but I got those days and feel much more competent now. So yep, I'm officially certifiable...uhhhh, certified!

That's about it for the last few days. It's been quiet and we haven't spent a lot of money though we did have to make an unplanned trip to Louisiana yesterday. Fortunately, we had enough money for it so it didn't cause any financial stress. I'm off today and go back to work tomorrow so I'm cooking some things today to feed us the rest of the week.

7 Responses to “Happenings lately!”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Congrats on all of the above! It's very inspiring to see you making all these positive steps (including getting more comfortable at your job) and I'm so happy for you.

  2. scfr Says:

    Quote: "Fortunately, we had enough money for it so it didn't cause any financial stress."

    Sounds like what Financial Peace should feel like!
    Way to go!

  3. Aleta Says:

    What a way to take charge of your life. You're doing great.

  4. denisentexas Says:

    Thanks, y'all!

    scfr, I agree - that's what financial peace should feel like. I don't recall many times in my life when I felt that. Now I feel it on a fairly regular basis. It isn't complete peace and we have a long way to go but we're getting there. Smile

  5. Aleta Says:

    Remember Denise, it's BABY STEPS

  6. Aleta Says:

    Remember Denise, it's BABY STEPS. Sorry, I didn't get to finish. It's done in Baby steps so that you won't become totally overwhelmed in the whole process. Each step takes a while and is a process. The peace comes in when you do a 360' turn and start listening to those who have been there before. The support team is also extremely important because you start to see folks who have done what you want to do.

  7. denisentexas Says:

    Aleta, thanks for the baby steps reminder. I need to keep that in mind. I do tend to forget that!

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