Home > Hey, I just realized something!

Hey, I just realized something!

February 18th, 2008 at 04:07 am

Today was a no spend day! DH didn't go anywhere all day and I worked from 3:30 to 8:30 but didn't stop anywhere on the way to and from work and didn't buy a thing from work. Oh wait, I did get newspapers this morning for $2.50.

So it wasn't a no spend day but it was a low spend day! Wink Ehhh, that's better than a spendy day so I'll take it.

I'm off Monday and Tuesday (unless I get called in to cashier) and plan to wash some clothes and do some cooking for the week.

Our FPU facilitator is gone on a cruise so we have no session tomorrow night. I'll miss it, I'm sure! I really like the sessions but DH finished putting all our financial information into spreadsheets to make it easier for me to keep track so we'll probably go over those tomorrow night. At least we'll be doing something finance related. Wink

3 Responses to “Hey, I just realized something!”

  1. EmptyPockets Says:

    Just out of curiosity, I wonder if the FPU coordinator paid cash for the cruise and related expenses.

  2. denisentexas Says:

    She told us they'd saved for this trip, unlike their last one when they used credit cards for all of it.

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Well congrats!

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