Home > Financial Peace University session canceled

Financial Peace University session canceled

February 26th, 2008 at 11:08 pm

Last night's FPU class was cancelled because only one couple showed up. Everyone else phoned or sent the facilitator email letting her know they were sick. With what? This flu bug I have!

This is day four and it's kicking my butt. I can't stay awake for more than 30 or 45 minutes, I toss and turn all night with the body aches, sweating and freezing, and I've missed two days of work. I need to be at work tomorrow morning but don't know if I can handle it. In the meantime, I hope I can rest well tonight and be there bright and early tomorrow to do my job. I detest calling out even if I am sick and I need all the hours I can get.

Anyway, back to bed with me. I hope the rest of you stay flu-free!

4 Responses to “Financial Peace University session canceled”

  1. JanH Says:

    Wow, I sure hope you feel better really soon! Hubby had that stuff last year, and it was no fun at all. Take care of yourself!

  2. Mooshocker Says:

    I hope you feel better. Get a good nights sleep, lots of hot liquids and a quick prayer before laying your head down. God Bless.

  3. toyguy1963 Says:

    Sounds like you have what I had. Its been 10 days since I first came down with the flu and I'm still not feeling very well. I haven't missed work in over 8 years but I missed 3 days this past week.
    I hope you are feeling better in the morning.

  4. terri77 Says:

    Everyone is getting sick this year, with the flu and everything else. I missed 3 days a couple of weeks back and I hadn't missed work for illness in years.

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