I see some of you are still doing the $20 challenge. I never did quite figure that one out. What I mean is I couldn't figure out what the $20 meant, exactly, since some of you are waaaaay over $20 nor could I figure out just what you did with the challenge money. I like the idea of challenging myself, though, and here's where I need your help.
I can easily challenge myself to cook and eat at home, take lunch and snacks to work, and have no/low spend days. I might not succeed every time but I generally do or at least the challenge leads to improvement and progress is progress! But those things don't generally lead to anything tangible for me. What I mean is this - I might not spend $10 eating out on a given day but I more than likely will spend that $10 on something else. Probably not that day but another. That doesn't get me anywhere, you know?
So my question to all of you is this: what kind of challenges with tangible outcome do you give yourself?
What kind of challenges with tangible outcome do you give yourself?
December 14th, 2011 at 07:29 am
December 14th, 2011 at 01:57 pm 1323871038
Of course, I've had goals to pay down debt and to save for retirement or increase our emergency fund. All with tangible outcomes.
December 14th, 2011 at 02:02 pm 1323871339
December 14th, 2011 at 02:38 pm 1323873491
I am going to try my own "$20 Callenge" First off, as of Jan. 1, I will no longer have trash service. It has gone up to $32.00 each month and I decided that is too much for me. Insead, I am going to recycle everything! So, each month I am going to put that $32.00 that I would have paid for trash service in my "$20. Challenge" savings account.
December 14th, 2011 at 02:47 pm 1323874052
I have a cell phone that's under contract and although I'm not going to renew it I have it for now. I have cable internet and TV and have considered giving up the TV since there is now so much to watch online. I also have Netflix, both DVDs and streaming, but I use that quite a lot. Other than those things, everything I have is a utility like water and electricity. Oh wait, I also have a subscription to a site I no longer use. I can cancel that for about $15 a month but it won't take effect until February. Thinking, thinking....
Thanks for the things to think about.