Home > Another NSD & a change in my menu with ideas needed

Another NSD & a change in my menu with ideas needed

January 9th, 2012 at 08:40 pm

I got off work at 1 and came straight home. I haven't spent a penny today! I didn't buy any coffee or tea at work, no food, nada! Unless I have to go out for some reason I should be at home the rest of the day, not spending money. Smile

I took a breakfast sandwich and ate it when I got a couple minutes. I sure am glad I took it, too, because I got very hungry and would have bought something if I hadn't had that sandwich.

So now I'm at home. The other package of boneless ribs the boss and I bought is thawing. She's requested some cooked in a way other than how we had them for New Years so I'll do something with them this evening. I'd like to use the slow cooker and am considering marinating them in Dale's then sprinkling them with garlic powder and pan frying them a bit before putting them in the slow cooker for the night.

I'm open to other ideas on how to prepare them but whatever I do it needs to be done tonight as I have to be at work at 7:30 in the morning.

1 Responses to “Another NSD & a change in my menu with ideas needed”

  1. CCraw Says:

    I have cooked them in my crockpot and they were awesome, besides grilling them that's the only way I've done it. Congrats on the NSD.

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