Home > Interesting opinion piece on U.S. and meat consumption

Interesting opinion piece on U.S. and meat consumption

January 11th, 2012 at 02:24 pm

I read this and thought it was pretty interesting. Apparently, meat consumption in the U.S. has decreased substantially over the last five years.

Text is and Link is

I'd say I eat less meat than I did five years ago and less than a year ago. I still eat a lot but between the cost of it and my own attempts to simply my life and change a few things, I rely less on meat than I did.

Are you eating less meat than five years ago and a year ago, same amount, or more?

6 Responses to “Interesting opinion piece on U.S. and meat consumption”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Interesting! I would say we eat less meat, primarily because the kids don't like it, so we make other choices. My parents just became no meat or animal byproducts.

  2. DeniseNTexas Says:

    Ahh, so your kids don't like it and now your parents don't eat it. Hmm, that would definitely curtail the meat eating, I think. lol

  3. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I'm eating more meat. Two separate health practitioners who've never met each other both told me upon initial consultation I needed to eat more meat.

  4. DeniseNTexas Says:

    Paulette, why do they think you need to eat more meat?

  5. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I suspect I exhibit externally visible traits of anemia. I'd been rejected a number of times from giving blood owing to low hemoglobin counts, but I'd not told either practitioner of anemia. There must be physical signs evident to them. Also, I know I do need more Vitamin B12.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    I eat animal based protein as frequently as I ever did, just in smaller portions. Where I used to be able to eat two pieces of chicken in a meal I can now only eat one. Where I used to be able to eat an 8 ounce steak, I can now only eat half of one. I'm sure this has to do with the fact that I can't exercise like I used to so my body doesn't require as much protein. I buy more chicken and hamburger and turkey legs and less steak because of prices. I used to eat a lot more seafood before they started pricing it ridiculously high. When I do have beef these days it is generally in a stew or a no bean chili where it is a fairly big ingredient, but still not like eating a whole big steak.

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