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If you were 47 and your SO was 57 and you *had* to pick just one....

December 3rd, 2009 at 03:41 am

which would it be...buying life insurance or catching up on retirement savings/investments? Really, let's say you just can't do both so you need to pick between getting life insurance of somewhere around $150,000 on each of you and using non-essential income for saving and investing.

The kids are grown, you're not big wage earners, you don't have a mortgage or much debt of any sort but you don't have much savings, either, and you don't have health insurance. You both have health issues that make health and life insurances difficult to find and expensive but you don't have enough money to pay for high insurance premiums and play catch up for retirement.

Which one would you pick? Or would you take a totally different path?? Come on, I know most of you are thinking something like, "But I'm not in that situation..." or "But I wouldn't find myself in that situation..." but we're pretending here.

Discuss amongst yourselves..but share with me, please. Enquiring minds really do wanna know. Smile